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Marketing Intelligence in the Financial Industry

Application of Marketing Intelligence

HSB Investments provides commodity future trading, foreign exchange, stock index, price quotes and commission products in Indonesia. The company utilizes two channels to expose its services, an app and website. HSB enlisted Groundhog’s technologies to help the company’s website gain more exposure and generate interest in knowing more details of the investment. One of our strategy through AI Advertising (MI-DSP) was to get as many clicks as possible and to target the audience who are likely to be interested in finance and investment in Indonesia.

The first step was to use the Marketing Intelligence (MI-DMP) to identify the right target audience. The data comes from first party telecom data, including geolocation and demographics. Through our analysis, we found that people in certain provinces and age groups in Indonesia are willing to spend more time and money to try new investment services. We were also able to find the audiences with a high level of interest and willingness to invest due to browsing data based on related keywords searches and visits to investment websites (include HSB competitors). Using different approaches, we helped HSB to identify audiences who might be interested in investment services.

Insight from Marketing Intelligence

  • Age Range: 40-64+ years old have high interest in investment.
  • Segment: Married couples have higher will to invest money.
  • Location: People who live in province Gorontalo have more will to try investment services.
  • People who have high demand for increasing revenue and making money often browse gambling related websites and applications.

Customer insight from HSB

  • People with stable careers (e.g. entrepreneurs, businessmen, civil servants) are more willing to deposit money, and full-time housewives are also more willing to spend money on HSB.
  • The target users are those who are over 40 years old or married and have their own house in their name, and those who have worked for more than five years.
  • Among forex/gold/crude oil/stock index products, forex and gold are still the main products that users pay attention to.
  • The older you are, the higher KYC success rate it has.
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What benefits our campaign brought

  • Ad group which used province audience list, the CTR was 123% higher than the one without using any audience list.
  • The number of website visits increased by 484.08% during the campaign period.
  • The number of users who entered the site and tried to register grew by 240.62%. To close to HSB’s target users, we had made 37.5% middle-aged users accessing the site than younger users.
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About HSB

HSB Investments is a company specializing in managing stock indexes, foreign currency, energy, and commodity futures trading. The integrity possessed by HSB is fairly high. They also have the legality of BAPPEBTI of the Ministry of Trade and are part of the Commodity Exchange, ICDX, and ICH Institutions. HSB works with credible traders so they can provide real-time prices with high accuracy as well as competitive quotes on the Indonesian money market. (Quote from HSB Investasi: Pengertian, Cara Trading, hingga Kelebihan)

More information for HSB: Facebook